Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Real Girl
As every school year starts out in my small town Humming, Texas, I was sitting on the school bus starting sadly out the window. With every passing second, my perfect summer was getting farther and farther away, like a ship heading out to sea. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried not to think about that morning.
Dad had woken my sister and I up at six a.m. for school. He had whipped off the covers on our beds and barked commands at us, such as “Mabel, get your clothes on!” I mean like he even needed to tell me that? When I didn’t get up, he kicked me. As usual he had forgotten to brush his hair and shave his beard but I had decided not to mention that to him. Ever since my mom went to find a job somewhere else out of Humming, and never came back, Dad just hasn’t been the same.
The bus jumped as the driver let his foot down on the break, and opened the door. A small wind had picked up blowing my short blond hair in the crisp, cool morning, as I walked off the bus and headed to Kasis Middle School.
Ew, I thought as I picked a slimy piece of pink bubblegum off my chair seat in my new classroom at school. A group of giggling popular girls at the back of the class were probably the criminals. After I sat down and got settled, my new teacher Ms. Gordon, introduced herself. She told us a science project would be due in three days. “I know it’s a lot for the first day, but I think everyone of you can manage this project. I myself think it’s a lot of fun. ” Ms. Gordon smiled. “You only need to research one kind of animal, learn all about them, and then…” She droned on while I busied myself with putting on a touch of shiny red lipstick. Yeah right. I thought to myself. Not going to happen. There was no way I was going to spend three days working on some huge project. I had a reputation of not doing big projects for all my teachers, and I planned to keep that going. The only way to get out of this particular project was to lie…

that is a fictional story, and it will be continued in another blogging.